
We have the knowledge to share with you.

Yes, we have a powerful platform that can streamline and transform your hiring process. We have the tools to help you achieve results every step of the way. But before clients buy anything from us, we want them to learn a thing or two.

We offer a wide range of resources that are designed to help you become an expert at the entire FACT-based hiring process:

Driven Hiring System

Framework Creation

Our Performance Hiring System makes it easy for you to create performance-based job descriptions, candidate scorecards, and engaging job advertisements.

Attracting Talent

We will help you collect top candidates from any job board on the planet, build career pages optimized for Google search, and implement a successful employee referral program.

How to Write a Job Posting That Attracts Top Talenticon blog 1 Automating Fair Hiring Practices: Reduce Bias and Enhance Candidate Experienceicon blog 1 Enhancing Candidate Engagement in Automated Hiring: Science-Backed Strategiesicon blog 1 How Automated Hiring Prevents Bias and Enhances Fairness: Core Benefits of Hiring Automationicon blog 1
Candidate Evaluation

Our 30+ pre-employment assessment tests predict job performance and highlight candidates’ skills, traits, and growth mindsets.

Detecting Dishonesty: A CEO's Guide to Identifying Candidate Exaggerations in Interviewsicon blog 1 Balancing Extensive Screening Processes with Candidate Engagementicon blog 1 Hire the Right Talent with Custom Assessments to Achieve Bigicon blog 1 Improve Hiring Outcomes by 70%: 5 Science-Based Candidate Assessment Strategiesicon blog 1

Resume Tips & Career Advice

Get expert tips to craft a standout resume, excel in interviews, and boost your career.

Schedule Your Personalized Demo

We invite you to take a closer look at all the features we’ve built into our.
Performance Hiring Platform. Start putting them to work today, so you can
start seeing results tomorrow.